Code of Conduct

Carson Elementary: A kind and caring team

At Carson Elementary School, we strive to develop kind and caring behaviours in our students and recognize those students who demonstrate these behaviours. Students are encouraged to be kind and respect diversity. We believe we need to teach students ways to face up to their mistakes and that we learn from making mistakes. At our school, we believe effective discipline is about teaching the students to be kind and caring citizens, recognizing how they are feeling, and being aware of their words and actions. Carson is a great school because of team work, neighbourhood, community, and parent support. Students have opportunities to give back to the school through school jobs and leadership activities. The staff recognizes and knows all students.


BC Human Rights Code

Carson promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law — prohibiting discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, family status, physical or mental disability, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.


Statement of Purpose:

The purpose of Carson Elementary School’s code of conduct is to promote and maintain a safe, caring and orderly school that will enable purposeful learning and positive social development for all students.


Expected Behaviours

At Carson Elementary, students are taught and reminded to show expected, appropriate behaviours. They learn that when they do unexpected, inappropriate behaviours, it affects how other people feel and think about them and may have negative consequences. Positive behaviours are expected while students are at school, are going to and from school, and while attending any school function at any location. Our expectations are that students will maintain an attitude that is cooperative, courteous, kind, and respectful. Student participate in conversations about kindness and respect.


At Carson, we value:

Kindness - Get along with each other, play safely, share with others, follow the rules, be friendly, be fair, work together, help others when needed, show people you care, encourage others, let others have a turn, appreciate differences in others, let others join in with games and activities, seek out new friendships, welcome new students.

Learning - Put your best effort into learning, be on task, listen, set a positive example, use manners, be safe, take turns, share, complete assignments, participate, ask questions, be attentive.

Respect - behave in kind ways, treat others the same as you would like to be treated, be polite and use manners, listen to others, care for your belongings, the school and the environment, listen to the adults in school.

Responsibility - Look after each other, show sportsmanship, think first, stand up when someone is being treated unkindly, use proper language, do work to the best of your ability, be a good role model for others, be trustworthy, be reliable, take on a helping role in your classroom, school or community, accept responsibility for your mistakes.


Unexpected/ Inappropriate Behaviours

Unexpected behaviours are those that do not follow the school expectations or beliefs and:
- interfere with learning of others
- interfere with an orderly school
- are unsafe

Unexpected Behaviours
Not letting others play, name calling, spitting, inappropriate clothing (see Dress Code), handson (pushing, rough play), minor disrespectful behaviours, rudeness, lying, unsafe behaviour, stealing, swearing, failure to complete classwork, being unkind, teasing, snowball—rock throwing, using electronics at school without teacher direction/supervision

Verbal reminder/conversation, student removed from situation or activity, problem solving sheet, written or verbal apology, community service specific to the infraction, recess or noon hour detention, confiscation of property, phone call home, note in planner

Serious Unexpected Behaviours:
Fighting, bullying, refusal to follow adult directions, acts of cyberbullying (including sending or forwarding inappropriate text messages or emails), vandalism, theft, threats, acts that compromise safety, repetitive minor infractions, directly disrespectful behavior, intimidation, harassment

Principal involvement, parent notification, mediation, detentions, loss of privileges, in school suspensions, out of school suspensions, documentation in student file, police involvement if needed.
Principal involvement, parent notification, mediation, detentions, loss of privileges, in school suspensions, out of school suspensions, documentation in student file, police involvement if needed.

Each incident be treated on its own merit and will take into consideration 

  • Age and maturity of student 
  • Frequency of behaviours 
  • Severity of incident 
  • Special needs of students involved


Conflict and Bullying

Conflict - a disagreement or difference in opinion between peers who typically have equal power in their relationship.

Bullying - a pattern of unwelcomed or aggressive behaviour that often involves an imbalance of power, and/or the intention to harm or humiliate others. Done on purpose to hurt or embarrass someone. Sometimes rooted in forms of discrimination such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and rejection of people with disabilities or talents.

Acts of bullying may include: 

  • physical aggression (pushing, grabbing, hitting, pinching, spitting, tripping) 
  • social alienation (gossiping, embarrassing others, homophobic or ethnic slurs, excluding others) 
  • verbal aggression (name calling, put-downs, swearing at others, threatening others) 
  • cyber-bullying (emails, chat rooms, text messages)
  • retaliation against someone who has reported 
  • Bullying 
  • For a comprehensive definition of Bullying Behaviours see the following link on the School District #28 Website.


Dress Code:

A safe, positive learning environment is supported by a dress code that encourages respect, responsibility, and safety in all schools. Students are expected to follow the School District Policy 305 & 306 - School Dress Code


1255 Graham Ave. Quesnel, British Columbia V2J 3E2

Phone: 250-992-6821
Fax: 250-992-7971